idMsos | Description | Long Description |
AccountingFormatMenu | AccountingFormatMenu | Accounting Number Formats |
AlignLeftToRightMenu | Left-to-Right | Left-to-Right |
AutoSumMenu | AutoSum | AutoSum |
BorderDrawMenu | Draw Border | Draw Border |
BordersGallery | Borders | Borders |
CopySplitButton | Copy | Copy |
DataValidationMenu | Data Validation | Data Validation |
ErrorCheckingMenu | Error Checking | Error Checking |
FilePrintMenu | Preview and Print | Preview and Print |
FileSaveAsMenu | Save As Other Format | Save As Other Format |
InsertCellstMenu | Insert | Insert |
MenuMacros | Macros | View Macros |
MergeCenterMenu | Merge | Merge |
NameDefineMenu | Define Name | Define Name |
ObjectBringForwardMenu | Bring Forward | Bring Forward |
ObjectBringToFrontMenu | Bring to Front | Bring to Front |
ObjectSendBackwardMenu | Send Backward | Send Backward |
ObjectSendToBackMenu | Send to Back | Send to Back |
OutlineGroupMenu | Group | Group Cells |
OutlineUngroupMenu | Ungroup | Ungroup Cells |
PasteMenu | Paste | Paste |
PhoneticGuideMenu | Phonetic Guide | Phonetic Guide |
PictureCropTools | Crop Tools | Crop Tools |
PictureResetSplitButton | Reset Picture | Reset Picture |
PivotChartShowFieldButtonsMenu | Display Buttons | Display Buttons |
PivotTableEditDataSource | Edit Data Source | Edit Data Source |
PivotTableInsertMenu | PivotTable | PivotTable |
PivotTableOptionsMenu | Table Options | Table Options |
RefreshAllMenu | Refresh | Refresh All |
RefreshMenu | Refresh | Refresh |
SignatureLineInsertMenu | Signature Line | Signature Line |
SlicerInsertMenu | Slicer | Create a Slicer or Assign an Existing Slicer |
SmartArtAddShapeSplitMenu | Add Shape Options | Add Shape Options |
SparklineClearMenu | Clear | Clear Sparklines |
SparklineEditLocationAndDataMenu | Edit Data | Edit Sparkline Location & Data |
TableDeleteRowsAndColumnsMenu | Delete | Delete Rows or Columns |
TextBoxInsertMenu | Text Box | Text Box |
TraceRemoveArrowsMenu | Remove Arrows | Remove Arrows |
UnderlineGallery | Underline | Underline |