idMsos | Description | Long Description |
Group3DEffects | 3-D Effects | 3-D Effects |
GroupAddins | Add-Ins | Add-Ins |
GroupAddInsCustomToolbars | Custom Toolbars | Custom Toolbars |
GroupAddInsMenuCommands | Menu Commands | Menu Commands |
GroupAddInsToolbarCommands | Toolbar Commands | Toolbar Commands |
GroupAlignmentExcel | Alignment | Alignment |
GroupArrange | Arrange | Arrange |
GroupBackgroundRemovalClose | Close | Close |
GroupBackgroundRemovalMode | Refine | Refine |
GroupCalculation | Calculation | Calculation |
GroupCells | Cells | Cells |
GroupChangesExcel | Changes | Changes |
GroupChartAnalysis | Analysis | Analysis |
GroupChartAxes | Axes | Axes |
GroupChartBackground | Background | Chart Background |
GroupChartCurrentSelection | Current Selection | Current Selection |
GroupChartData | Data | Data |
GroupChartLabels | Labels | Labels |
GroupChartLayouts | Chart Layouts | Chart Layouts |
GroupChartLocation | Location | Location |
GroupChartProperties | Properties | Chart Properties |
GroupChartShapes | Insert | Insert in Chart |
GroupChartStyles | Chart Styles | Chart Styles |
GroupChartType | Type | Type |
GroupClipboard | Clipboard | Clipboard |
GroupCode | Code | Code |
GroupComments | Comments | Comments |
GroupConnections | Connections | Connections |
GroupControls | Controls | Controls |
GroupDataTools | Data Tools | Data Tools |
GroupDrawBorders | Draw Borders | Draw Borders |
GroupEditingExcel | Editing | Editing |
GroupEquationStructures | Structures | Structures |
GroupEquationSymbols | Symbols | Symbols |
GroupEquationTools | Tools | Equation Tools |
GroupFont | Font | Font |
GroupFormulaAuditing | Formula Auditing | Formula Auditing |
GroupFunctionLibrary | Function Library | Function Library |
GroupGetExternalData | Get External Data | Get External Data |
GroupHeaderFooter | Header & Footer | Header & Footer |
GroupHeaderFooterElements | Header & Footer Elements | Header & Footer Elements |
GroupHeaderFooterNavigation | Navigation | Navigation |
GroupHeaderFooterOptions | Options | Header & Footer Options |
GroupInk | Ink | Ink |
GroupInkClose | Close | Close Ink Tools |
GroupInkFormat | Format | Format |
GroupInkPens | Pens | Pens |
GroupInkSelect | Select | Select |
GroupInsertBarcode | Barcode | Barcode |
GroupInsertChartsExcel | Charts | Charts |
GroupInsertIllustrations | Illustrations | Illustrations |
GroupInsertLinks | Links | Links |
GroupInsertSymbols | Symbols | Symbols |
GroupInsertTablesExcel | Tables | Tables |
GroupInsertText | Text | Text |
GroupLanguage | Language | Language |
GroupMacros | Macros | Macros |
GroupModify | Modify | Modify |
GroupNamedCells | Defined Names | Defined Names |
GroupNumber | Number | Number |
GroupOutline | Outline | Outline |
GroupPageLayoutScaleToFit | Scale to Fit | Scale to Fit |
GroupPageLayoutSheetOptions | Sheet Options | Sheet Options |
GroupPageSetup | Page Setup | Page Setup |
GroupPens | Pens | Pens |
GroupPensWrite | Write | Write |
GroupPictureSize | Size | Picture Size |
GroupPictureStyles | Picture Styles | Picture Styles |
GroupPictureTools | Adjust | Adjust |
GroupPivotActions | Actions | Actions |
GroupPivotChartActiveField | Active Field | PivotChart Active Field |
GroupPivotChartData | Data | PivotChart Data |
GroupPivotChartShowOrHide | Show/Hide | PivotChart Show/Hide |
GroupPivotTableActiveField | Active Field | Active Field |
GroupPivotTableCalculations | Calculations | Calculations |
GroupPivotTableData | Data | Data |
GroupPivotTableGroup | Group | PivotTable Group |
GroupPivotTableLayout | Layout | Layout |
GroupPivotTableOptions | PivotTable | PivotTable |
GroupPivotTableShowHide | Show | Show |
GroupPivotTableSort | Sort & Filter | Sort & Filter |
GroupPivotTableStyleOptions | PivotTable Style Options | PivotTable Style Options |
GroupPivotTableStyles | PivotTable Styles | PivotTable Styles |
GroupPivotTableTools | Tools | PivotTable Tools |
GroupPrintPreviewPreview | Preview | Preview |
GroupPrintPreviewPrint | ||
GroupPrintPreviewZoom | Zoom | Print Preview Zoom |
GroupProofing | Proofing | Proofing |
GroupShadowEffects | Shadow Effects | Shadow Effects |
GroupShapes | Insert Shapes | Insert Shapes |
GroupShapeStyles | Shape Styles | Shape Styles |
GroupSize | Size | Size |
GroupSlicerInsert | Filter | Filter |
GroupSlicerOptions | Slicer | Slicer Properties and Settings |
GroupSlicerRowColumnSize | Buttons | Slicer Column and Row Size |
GroupSlicerStyles | Slicer Styles | Slicer Styles |
GroupSmartArtCreateGraphic | Create Graphic | Create Graphic |
GroupSmartArtLayouts | Layouts | Layouts |
GroupSmartArtQuickStyles | SmartArt Styles | SmartArt Quick Styles |
GroupSmartArtReset | Reset | Reset SmartArt Graphics |
GroupSmartArtShapes | Shapes | Shapes |
GroupSmartArtSize | Size | SmartArt Size |
GroupSortFilter | Sort & Filter | Sort & Filter |
GroupSparklineDataEdit | Sparkline | Edit Sparkline Data |
GroupSparklineDetailsShow | Show | Show/Hide Sparkline Details |
GroupSparklineGroup | Group | Sparkline Groups |
GroupSparklinesInsert | Sparklines | Insert Sparklines |
GroupSparklineStyle | Style | Sparkline Style |
GroupSparklineType | Type | Sparkline Type |
GroupStyles | Styles | Styles |
GroupTableExternalData | External Table Data | External Table Data |
GroupTableProperties | Properties | Table Properties |
GroupTableStyleOptions | Table Style Options | Table Style Options |
GroupTableStylesExcel | Table Styles | Table Styles |
GroupTableTools | Tools | Tools |
GroupThemesExcel | Themes | Themes |
GroupViewShowHide | Show | Show |
GroupWindow | Window | Window |
GroupWordArtStyles | WordArt Styles | WordArt Text Styles |
GroupWorkbookViews | Workbook Views | Workbook Views |
GroupXml | XML | XML |
GroupZoom | Zoom | Zoom |