idMsos | Description | Long Description |
Group3DEffects | 3-D Effects | 3-D Effects |
GroupAddins | Add-Ins | Add-Ins |
GroupAddInsCustomToolbars | Custom Toolbars | Custom Toolbars |
GroupAddInsMenuCommands | Menu Commands | Menu Commands |
GroupAddInsToolbarCommands | Toolbar Commands | Toolbar Commands |
GroupArrange | Arrange | Arrange |
GroupBackgroundRemovalClose | Close | Close |
GroupBackgroundRemovalMode | Refine | Refine |
GroupBlogBasicText | Basic Text | Basic Text |
GroupBlogInsertLinks | Links | Links |
GroupBlogInsertText | Text | Text |
GroupBlogProofing | Proofing | Proofing |
GroupBlogPublish | Blog | Blog |
GroupBlogStyles | Styles | Styles |
GroupBlogSymbols | Symbols | Symbols |
GroupBorder | Border | Border |
GroupCaptions | Captions | Captions |
GroupChanges | Changes | Changes |
GroupChangesTracking | Tracking | Tracking |
GroupChartAnalysis | Analysis | Analysis |
GroupChartAxes | Axes | Axes |
GroupChartBackground | Background | Chart Background |
GroupChartCurrentSelection | Current Selection | Current Selection |
GroupChartData | Data | Data |
GroupChartLabels | Labels | Labels |
GroupChartLayouts | Chart Layouts | Chart Layouts |
GroupChartShapes | Insert | Insert in Chart |
GroupChartStyles | Chart Styles | Chart Styles |
GroupChartType | Type | Type |
GroupChineseTranslation | Chinese Conversion | Chinese Conversion |
GroupCitationsAndBibliography | Citations & Bibliography | Citations & Bibliography |
GroupClipboard | Clipboard | Clipboard |
GroupCode | Code | Code |
GroupComments | Comments | Comments |
GroupCompare | Compare | Compare |
GroupConflicts | Conflicting Changes | Conflicting Changes |
GroupConflictsClose | Close | Close Conflict View |
GroupControls | Controls | Controls |
GroupDiagramArrangeClassic | Arrange | Arrange |
GroupDiagramLayoutClassic | Layout | Layout |
GroupDiagramStylesClassic | Styles | Styles |
GroupDocumentViews | Document Views | Document Views |
GroupEditing | Editing | Editing |
GroupEnvelopeLabelCreate | Create | Create |
GroupEquationStructures | Structures | Structures |
GroupEquationSymbols | Symbols | Symbols |
GroupEquationTools | Tools | Equation Tools |
GroupFont | Font | Font |
GroupFootnotes | Footnotes | Footnotes |
GroupHeaderFooter | Header & Footer | Header & Footer |
GroupHeaderFooterClose | Close | Close Header and Footer |
GroupHeaderFooterInsert | Insert | Insert |
GroupHeaderFooterNavigation | Navigation | Navigation |
GroupHeaderFooterOptions | Options | Header & Footer Options |
GroupHeaderFooterPosition | Position | Position |
GroupIndex | Index | Index |
GroupInk | Ink | Ink |
GroupInkClose | Close | Close Ink Tools |
GroupInkFormat | Format | Format |
GroupInkPens | Pens | Pens |
GroupInkSelect | Select | Select |
GroupInsertBarcode | Barcode | Barcode |
GroupInsertIllustrations | Illustrations | Illustrations |
GroupInsertLinks | Links | Links |
GroupInsertPages | Pages | Pages |
GroupInsertSymbols | Symbols | Symbols |
GroupInsertTables | Tables | Tables |
GroupInsertText | Text | Text |
GroupLanguage | Language | Language |
GroupMacros | Macros | Macros |
GroupMailMergeFinish | Finish | Finish |
GroupMailMergePreviewResults | Preview Results | Preview Results |
GroupMailMergeStart | Start Mail Merge | Start Mail Merge |
GroupMailMergeWriteInsertFields | Write & Insert Fields | Write & Insert Fields |
GroupMasterDocument | Master Document | Master Document |
GroupOrganizationChartLayoutClassic | Layout | Layout |
GroupOrganizationChartSelect | Select | Select |
GroupOrganizationChartShapeInsert | Insert | Insert |
GroupOrganizationChartStyleClassic | Styles | Styles |
GroupOutliningClose | Close | Close Outline View |
GroupOutliningTools | Outline Tools | Outline Tools |
GroupPageBackground | Page Background | Page Background |
GroupPageLayoutSetup | Page Setup | Page Setup |
GroupParagraph | Paragraph | Paragraph |
GroupParagraphLayout | Paragraph | Paragraph Indent & Spacing |
GroupPens | Pens | Pens |
GroupPensWrite | Write | Write |
GroupPictureSize | Size | Picture Size |
GroupPictureSizeClassic | Size | Size |
GroupPictureStyles | Picture Styles | Picture Styles |
GroupPictureTools | Adjust | Adjust |
GroupPictureToolsClassic | Adjust | Adjust |
GroupPrintPreviewPageSetup | Page Setup | Print Preview Page Setup |
GroupPrintPreviewPreview | Preview | Preview |
GroupPrintPreviewPrint | ||
GroupProofing | Proofing | Proofing |
GroupProtect | Protect | Protect |
GroupShadowEffects | Shadow Effects | Shadow Effects |
GroupShapes | Insert Shapes | Insert Shapes |
GroupShapesClassic | Insert Shapes | Insert Shapes |
GroupShapeStyles | Shape Styles | Shape Styles |
GroupShapeStylesClassic | Shape Styles | Shape Styles |
GroupSize | Size | Size |
GroupSizeClassic | Size | Drawing Object Size |
GroupSmartArtCreateGraphic | Create Graphic | Create Graphic |
GroupSmartArtLayouts | Layouts | Layouts |
GroupSmartArtQuickStyles | SmartArt Styles | SmartArt Quick Styles |
GroupSmartArtReset | Reset | Reset SmartArt Graphics |
GroupSmartArtShapes | Shapes | Shapes |
GroupSmartArtSize | Size | SmartArt Size |
GroupStyles | Styles | Styles |
GroupTable | Table | Table |
GroupTableAlignment | Alignment | Alignment |
GroupTableCellSize | Cell Size | Cell Size |
GroupTableData | Data | Table Data |
GroupTableDrawBorders | Draw Borders | Draw Borders |
GroupTableLayout | Table Style Options | Table Style Options |
GroupTableMerge | Merge | Merge |
GroupTableOfAuthorities | Table of Authorities | Table of Authorities |
GroupTableOfContents | Table of Contents | Table of Contents |
GroupTableRowsAndColumns | Rows & Columns | Rows & Columns |
GroupTableStylesWord | Table Styles | Table Styles |
GroupTemplates | Templates | Templates |
GroupTextbox | Text | Text |
GroupTextBoxArrange | Arrange | Text Box Arrange |
GroupTextBoxStyles | Text Box Styles | Text Box Styles |
GroupTextBoxText | Text | Text Box Text |
GroupThemesWord | Themes | Themes |
GroupViewShowHide | Show | Show |
GroupWindow | Window | Window |
GroupWordArtStyles | WordArt Styles | WordArt Text Styles |
GroupWordArtStylesClassic | WordArt Styles | WordArt Styles |
GroupWordArtText | Text | WordArt Text |
GroupXml | XML | XML |
GroupZoom | Zoom | Zoom |